I Can't Fly (by) 165.... or
How Many Times Exactly Did She Write 165...?For the past few months I have weighed in at a steady 165. During those months there have been times when the scale has teetered up a couple of pounds higher than 165 and tottered down a couple of pounds lower than 165 pounds. It just seems that 165 is my base weight at this current time. For the most part I am pretty content at 165 - especially when there was a time when I weighed close to 250 pounds. But you know what? I can do (and have done) better - I really can. I would be ecstatic if I could lose about twenty more pounds. However with the holidays coming up, I'm sure the scale would only be moving up (and up)...That's even with the workout regimen I am doing now.
So what is a 165 pound girl to do? Well, she could:
a. Go hog wild and eat whatever she wants during the holiday; resulting in her gaining more weight than she desired . Afterall, she could just make a New Years resolution to get back down to 165 come January 1st.
b. Do what she has been doing to maintain the weight she is at currently (that would be 165...just in case you didn't know...) and then make a New Years resolution to get past the 165 barrier come January 1st.
c. Why wait until January 1st? She can try to work harder to lose those twenty - or whatever - pounds now instead of later.I don't know about what the other 165 pound girls would do, but this 165 pound girl is choosing
With about eight weeks left until the new year, I am challenging myself to lose eight pounds before New Years Day. That is about one pound per week which - with working out harder and nixing all of the Halloween candy - is an attainable goal. It's my pre-resolution resolution, if you will. I'm going to have such a headstart on all of those New Years resolutionist people come January 1, 2007.
So if anyone would care to join me in my pre-resolution resolution goal, please do! The more the merrier I say! You don't have to weigh 165 pounds, in fact, it doesn't even have to be a goal to lose weight. It could be any goal/accomplishment that makes you feel better about yourself.
It's going to be hard, but I'm going to do it! I'm going to update my blog as much as I can about the status of my goal.
Oh and it's 14 for those of you counting -- including the headers!