Don't forget to put the seat down...

Warning To The Grammarically Correct: If it just bothered you that I wrote "Grammarically", you may as well leave now because my grammar gets even worse.

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Location: Land of Runny Noses, Flatulence, Bugs and Plenty of Roads....d

I'm a wife and mom to three boys. I love everything 80's, anything chocolate and loathes politics. I like to run for fun (preferably NOT in the hot, hot sun)....

Monday, December 10, 2007

Dick(y) Situation.....

Yesterday I had to round-up Mason so I could change his smelly diaper. I grabbed him and put him down on the floor. And then we had this conversation....

Me: Come on Mason, you need to stay still.

Mason: (wiggling away) Noooooo!!!

Me: (holding up a wipe) Do you want to take this wipey and wipe off your face?

Mason: (who is now still and grabs the wipe) It's not for face. It's for dick.

Me: (stopping in my tracks) Wha-What did you just say? It's for....what?

Mason: Dick!

Me: (face getting red) Huh? (Trying to figure out how he was taught that because we don't say that in the Weener house. It's PENIS people!)

Mason: It's for dick!

And that is - ladies and gentlemen - when I looked at his free hand and noticed he had a drum stick in his hand.

Me: (breathes in one big) *SIGH*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hee hee!!!!! we're a penis house too - but my 4 yr old has heard and is now using "Weiner."

7:32 AM  

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