Don't forget to put the seat down...

Warning To The Grammarically Correct: If it just bothered you that I wrote "Grammarically", you may as well leave now because my grammar gets even worse.

My Photo
Location: Land of Runny Noses, Flatulence, Bugs and Plenty of Roads....d

I'm a wife and mom to three boys. I love everything 80's, anything chocolate and loathes politics. I like to run for fun (preferably NOT in the hot, hot sun)....

Monday, August 14, 2006

Five Months of Weener

So I've been a blogger for almost five months now. I was going back and reading my past posts and I began to wonder what in tarnation people - who don't know me but come across my blog - think of me. I have come to these conclusions of what everyone thinks...

1.) Not only am I a mess mentally, but - thanks to my posts about my sofa and car - everything else around me is one big mess too!

2.) That not only do my pets escape to get away from my crazy family, but we have a hard time catching them as well! (Oh and they usually have more than one name!)

3.) That I'm a hillbilly!

4.) I sometimes look like I wet myself...

5.) I'm not crazy about the ice cream man.

6.) I get excited if you take me athletic cup shopping, but I don't get excited if you give you name your penis, Ed.

7.) I like to make up my own song lyrics - which is usually done pretty badly - to well known songs.

8.) I talk through my nose.

9.) That I'm not the only crazy person who was born on July 17th...

10.) That my newly tattooed husband will walk past the same toothpaste cap for days and NEVER pick it up!

11.) That I suck at photo editing.

12.) That I have a BEAUTIFUL mother-in-law...

13.) That I don't have the best grammar and my spelling

There were a couple more too, but I think you all get the picture. Anyway, I just want to say thanks to everyone who reads my blog! It's nice to know that there are actual people who read my blog and not just anonymous solicitors linking spam!


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