Warning: This post was created in five minutes and*WILL* have typos, as well as foul language and improper use of the English language. Oh and lots of (.....).
I'm not an artsy-fartsy person, but I can surely relate to the artist who painted/scribbled this picture. If I'm not mistaken, I think it's called "The Scream". However, I think they should have called it "I Got So Much Sh@t On My Plate That I Don't Even Have Time To Put My Make-up On". I you actually think this picture took a whole lot of time to actually create?
*sigh* Between those first days of school (With neither one of the boys wanting to go back. Oh and the gazillion amounts of paperwork we as parents have to fill out...and finding myself wondering if my boys would mind if I forgot to sign the papers that say they CAN play on the playground....)...
The pile of work on my desk here at the office (and that's not including the two emails my boss sent me in the past thirty minutes)....
Christian's football practice (three days a week...not counting gameday...What the hell was I thinking?..)
Timmy's soccer (One day a week...not including gameday...but it sucks when the coach lets their practice go on fifteen minutes longer than it's supposed to...)...
Mason's ability to get into EVERYTHING (Yup...even had to breakdown and buy a gate...)...
Daisy's ability to have to go to the bathroom the minute I close my eyes (I guess I should be thankful that her bladder still works...)...
Rich's brilliant decision to paint the garage (in Raiders' colors no less)....
The piles of wrinkly laundry that is just waiting to be put sloppily away...
The same goes for the clean dishes that are sitting in the dishwasher... (Are they ever going to make a dishwasher (and I'm not talking about people) that puts the dishes away for you?)
My mustache that I've been meaning to wax for the past three nights...(I don't even want to talk about my hairy legs...)...
There's just too much crap to list and I'm just giving myself a headache thinking about it all. What's worse is that I don't have any aspirin at home and I just don't have the time to stop at the store and buy
You know what? I take what I said at the beginning of my post back. Whoever the artist is of the picture had to have *some* time...I mean...afterall they did have to find the paper and the paints?/pencils?/ blood?/whatever is was they create the picture.
Well, I wish I could stay, however, it seems I have to go 'cause I'm busy and all...
Warning: This post was created in five minutes and*WILL* have typos, as well as foul language and improper use of the English language. Oh and lots of (.....).

*sigh* Between those first days of school (With neither one of the boys wanting to go back. Oh and the gazillion amounts of paperwork we as parents have to fill out...and finding myself wondering if my boys would mind if I forgot to sign the papers that say they CAN play on the playground....)...
The pile of work on my desk here at the office (and that's not including the two emails my boss sent me in the past thirty minutes)....
Christian's football practice (three days a week...not counting gameday...What the hell was I thinking?..)
Timmy's soccer (One day a week...not including gameday...but it sucks when the coach lets their practice go on fifteen minutes longer than it's supposed to...)...
Mason's ability to get into EVERYTHING (Yup...even had to breakdown and buy a gate...)...
Daisy's ability to have to go to the bathroom the minute I close my eyes (I guess I should be thankful that her bladder still works...)...
Rich's brilliant decision to paint the garage (in Raiders' colors no less)....
The piles of wrinkly laundry that is just waiting to be put sloppily away...
The same goes for the clean dishes that are sitting in the dishwasher... (Are they ever going to make a dishwasher (and I'm not talking about people) that puts the dishes away for you?)
My mustache that I've been meaning to wax for the past three nights...(I don't even want to talk about my hairy legs...)...
There's just too much crap to list and I'm just giving myself a headache thinking about it all. What's worse is that I don't have any aspirin at home and I just don't have the time to stop at the store and buy
You know what? I take what I said at the beginning of my post back. Whoever the artist is of the picture had to have *some* time...I mean...afterall they did have to find the paper and the paints?/pencils?/ blood?/whatever is was they create the picture.
Well, I wish I could stay, however, it seems I have to go 'cause I'm busy and all...
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