Now what hidden goods/secrets would my family find out about me if I were to die today? Let me tell you what they would find.
That is what secret item my family would find if they were to go through my things. In actuality, I guess it's a good thing that I have no secrets or hidden items from my family. However I have to admit that deep DEEP down I think it would be pretty cool to have a secret something ...you know...something I, myself, would only know about. I'm not talking about anything bad, but maybe something they would come across and say 'Hey I didn't know that about her. That's pretty cool!' But alas, I have no secret stash of money hidden under my mattress. I have no stash of secret love letters from an old flame hidden in my hope chest. I have no secret stash of back-door porn under my bed. Hell, I don't even have a secret stash of Ho Hos hidden in the pantry.
Oh well. I guess it's nice that I don't have anything to hide from anyone. Afterall, my life is an open book.
Or should I say my life is an open blog? :)
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