Confessions of a Weenermom
I'm not perfect.
I am not perfect.
I am not perfect.
I am NOT perfect.
But I'm sure you all know that by now.
As much as I would love to be a flawless human-being, I realized a long time ago that it will never - ever- happen. I have to admit, however, that when I was pregnant with my first son -and had that 'first-time mom halo' on my head - I thought that maybe...just maybe...I could be as close to the perfect mother as I could possibly be. I was never going to yell. I was never going to use foul language. I was going to give my baby the best of everything, amongst other perfect things. Oh and the visions I had of myself - being the perfect mother - running through a field of flowers with my perfect, chunky baby. (Damn those diaper/formula commercials!)
So...How is my quest of being the perfect mother going, you ask? I said, I'm not perfect...
Here's my not-so-perfect list from this week alone:
Moms are allowed to be human...Right?

I am not perfect.
I am not perfect.
I am NOT perfect.
But I'm sure you all know that by now.
As much as I would love to be a flawless human-being, I realized a long time ago that it will never - ever- happen. I have to admit, however, that when I was pregnant with my first son -and had that 'first-time mom halo' on my head - I thought that maybe...just maybe...I could be as close to the perfect mother as I could possibly be. I was never going to yell. I was never going to use foul language. I was going to give my baby the best of everything, amongst other perfect things. Oh and the visions I had of myself - being the perfect mother - running through a field of flowers with my perfect, chunky baby. (Damn those diaper/formula commercials!)
So...How is my quest of being the perfect mother going, you ask? I said, I'm not perfect...
Here's my not-so-perfect list from this week alone:
- I've used the words 'shit' and 'hell' on multiple occasions this past week (and may have slipped the 'f' bomb once).
- Yelling seems to be the way to communicate with least if I want any type of response...
- 'Because I said so' seems to be my favorite response.
- On two occasions this past week, soup and sandwiches was the dinner of choice (READ: Was the dinner of convenience).
- Sometimes it's so much easier to just send them to their room instead of listening to why they are causing a commotion.
- Like the boy who cried 'Wolf', Timmy likes to cry 'I need a bandaid!' at the smallest sight of blood. So I didn't run and get him a bandaid right away when he fell on the sidewalk because I thought it was going to just be a slight scratch with a miniscule of blood...Ummm...turns out he really needed that bandaid....
- I ripped up a Yu-Gi-Oh card that Christian and Timmy were fighting over. Yep, that was the end of that.
- I let Christian watch an R-rated movie.
Moms are allowed to be human...Right?
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