It's President's Day...
And here I am.
So I have this day off of work and the kids are off of school. If you are like me (which if you are I just want to tell you how sorry I am...), then you usually don't do anything to celebrate President's Day. However, this year is different for us in the Weener house. I have decided that we will do something in honor of our dear (most of them dead) presidents.
Here are some of the things we will be doing today:
In honor of George Washington...we will be going to Target (pronouced 'Tar-get' today and not the un-American pronounication of 'Tar-jay' that I usually say) and I will be spending more...ahem...'George Washingtons' than I'd like.
In honor of John Quincy Adams and William Henry Harrison I will be calling all of my kids by their first, middle and last names (and I should mention I will use them all even when they are NOT in trouble...).
In honor of Grover Cleveland we will be watching Sesame Street. Oh wait...we watch that everyday anyway...
In honor of Herbert Hoover we will be breaking out my vacuum cleaner (not sure if it's a Hoover though...)and vacuum in his honor.
In honor of James Garfield we will - but what else? - read a Garfield funny.
In honor of Millard Fullmore I will curse any parent who names their children Millard.
In honor of Thomas Jefferson I will not have any illegitimate children today, however, I will swivel around on my computer chair. (He invented swivel chairs.)
In honor of Abe Lincoln I will not pluck my next chin hair. (yeah right!)
In honor of James Polk we will do the "Hokey Polkey". ( I know it's spelt wrong. ;) )
In honor of Zachary Taylor I will let the weeners play will their friend Zachary (no matter how annoying he is!).
In honor of Chester Arthur I will do some chest exercises today.
In honor of Bill Clinton I will clean all of the stains out of my kids clothes.
In honor of Jimmy Carter we will eat peanut butter sandwiches for lunch.
I'm going to have to cut this post short because with 43 presidents and all...that's a lot of stuff to do in one day!
*blank stare* (That's in honor of our current president,GWB. ;) )

So I have this day off of work and the kids are off of school. If you are like me (which if you are I just want to tell you how sorry I am...), then you usually don't do anything to celebrate President's Day. However, this year is different for us in the Weener house. I have decided that we will do something in honor of our dear (most of them dead) presidents.
Here are some of the things we will be doing today:
In honor of George Washington...we will be going to Target (pronouced 'Tar-get' today and not the un-American pronounication of 'Tar-jay' that I usually say) and I will be spending more...ahem...'George Washingtons' than I'd like.
In honor of John Quincy Adams and William Henry Harrison I will be calling all of my kids by their first, middle and last names (and I should mention I will use them all even when they are NOT in trouble...).
In honor of Grover Cleveland we will be watching Sesame Street. Oh wait...we watch that everyday anyway...
In honor of Herbert Hoover we will be breaking out my vacuum cleaner (not sure if it's a Hoover though...)and vacuum in his honor.
In honor of James Garfield we will - but what else? - read a Garfield funny.
In honor of Millard Fullmore I will curse any parent who names their children Millard.
In honor of Thomas Jefferson I will not have any illegitimate children today, however, I will swivel around on my computer chair. (He invented swivel chairs.)
In honor of Abe Lincoln I will not pluck my next chin hair. (yeah right!)
In honor of James Polk we will do the "Hokey Polkey". ( I know it's spelt wrong. ;) )
In honor of Zachary Taylor I will let the weeners play will their friend Zachary (no matter how annoying he is!).
In honor of Chester Arthur I will do some chest exercises today.
In honor of Bill Clinton I will clean all of the stains out of my kids clothes.
In honor of Jimmy Carter we will eat peanut butter sandwiches for lunch.
I'm going to have to cut this post short because with 43 presidents and all...that's a lot of stuff to do in one day!
*blank stare* (That's in honor of our current president,GWB. ;) )
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