Something You May Not Want To Know...
(But I'm going to tell you anyway.)
Did you know that gelatin contains animals parts like chopped up animal bones? I didn't until this morning per one of my co-workers. Now don't get me wrong, I am by no means a vegetarian in any shape or form. However, I'm a bit - what's the word(s)? Oh that's it....GROSSED OUT. When I (used) to eat jello I would think that I was just eating a form of fruit juice in a blob-type formation. Now I'm picturing chips of bones in my orange flavored bowl of j-e-l-l-o.
And now I can't help but to wonder how come there isn't any bacon flavored jello?
Yeah...I figured that's why....
(But I'm going to tell you anyway.)
Did you know that gelatin contains animals parts like chopped up animal bones? I didn't until this morning per one of my co-workers. Now don't get me wrong, I am by no means a vegetarian in any shape or form. However, I'm a bit - what's the word(s)? Oh that's it....GROSSED OUT. When I (used) to eat jello I would think that I was just eating a form of fruit juice in a blob-type formation. Now I'm picturing chips of bones in my orange flavored bowl of j-e-l-l-o.
And now I can't help but to wonder how come there isn't any bacon flavored jello?
Yeah...I figured that's why....

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