Timmy vs The Train Table
Can you guess who won?

This is what happens when you want to be funny after your mom puts you to bed. You want to make fart noices with your mouth and hands. You think it is so funny - cause you are so much like your dad - that you decide you should show your big brother who is on the top bunk bed. So you get out of bed and turn the light on. You do your little 'performance' and quickly turn the light off so your mom and/or dad won't catch on that you are fooling around when you should in reality be SLEEPING. So you try to run to your bed and since the light is now off you don't notice that the train table that should be completely under your bed...is not. You trip into the train table and that causes you to fall which then leads to you hitting your face into the corner of the table.
What is the lesson in all of this? (Get those pencils out. It's multiple choice time!)
a.) It's best to push the train table COMPLETELY under the bed.
b.) Making farting noises is fun...but dangerous.
c.) Maybe next time when my parents put you to bed you should GO TO SLEEP!
d.) It was a bad idea that mom let you eat the chocolate bunny head an hour before bedtime.
e.) All of the above.
Which one did you pick?
What is the lesson in all of this? (Get those pencils out. It's multiple choice time!)
a.) It's best to push the train table COMPLETELY under the bed.
b.) Making farting noises is fun...but dangerous.
c.) Maybe next time when my parents put you to bed you should GO TO SLEEP!
d.) It was a bad idea that mom let you eat the chocolate bunny head an hour before bedtime.
e.) All of the above.
Which one did you pick?
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